I got to go away for a weekend with my friend. It was just us girls. After going the back way to get to our destination, we finally arrived in Never, never, never land. My first question was, " do you hear that?" I was referring to the silence. We brought movies and games, but spent 2 days watching tv as neither of us have ours hooked up to satellite or cable. We rearranged the furniture and then spread the table with all the spread so that we wouldn't have to get up except to use the facilities.

Our rearrangement of furniture.

Our version of heaven. The reason for the title, we NEVER heard anyone say MOMMY!, NEVER had to tell anyone to be quiet, and NEVER had to do anything that we didn't want to except pack up and leave. We really appreciated the husbands who made this nice little get away possible. Next time we will take them with us so that they can enjoy NEVER, NEVER, NEVER land too!
I love getting together with friends and gorging on junk food.
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