I was privileged to be able to get away with some friends this weekend. We had planned it for awhile and have been so excited to go. I made crepes for breakfast our first morning and jokingly told the rest of them that they could serve me breakfast in bed the next morning. This is what I got for being mouthy and sleeping in (which by the way I rarely ever do!) The little gold thing on the plate is a mini peanut butter cup. It was actually really funny and cute.

Our second day there we went to Zion National Park. We got poured on before we ever entered the park, but it was a short lived rain and actually very refreshing. We had to ride the bus into the park because the parking lot was full.

The Park was gorgeous after the rain. I love being in the mountains and the natural beauty. It always seems to revitalize my soul.
We ate at Iggy's for dinner before going to Tuacahn for a show. We all ended up splitting sandwiches which happened to give all of us nasty gas, but the rest of that story won't be posted on here. The waitress was great. She split the sandwiches, split the bill correctly and took our picture.
The show we saw was Footloose. It was really good. I had forgotten how much I enjoy the theater. At intermission they had a bull ride machine set up and Kim was persuaded to ride it. Of course we were chanting her name and then the lady in front of us turned around and joined in our chanting. It was pretty funny.
It was a fantastic weekend with great friends, lots of laughs, tons of fun, some stinkiness and wonderful memories. It was nice to not be mom or wife for a few days. My favorite thing though was that my kids and husband didn't call me every five minutes asking what I was doing or when was I coming home. I really appreciated that. I can hardly wait for the next trip because it was definitely a good thing to get back in touch with my inner teenager and leave the cranky lady at home. Thanks ladies for a great time!
What fun we had connecting with that "inner teenager" you mentioned! It was a blast...and I'm with you...can't wait for the 2nd annual girls weekend!!! Love ya Rocky!
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