We just got back from a week at Powell. This lady is tired. We had good food, good times and lots of water. The kids discovered sleeping in hammocks. Jaxon woke me up the last night when he fell out of his hammock and then Sidnee kept me awake because she kept moving around. I read a book and a half. Now it is time to get back to reality. The kids cliff jumped, rappelled, road the knee board, jumped off the house boat, went down the water slide, road the wave runner, the Ion, the girls tried the wake board and skinny dipping. We figured out how to keep wet hair from going crazy and did a lot of fishing. It was a very busy but relaxing week. I actually got to hit some golf balls and hit one pretty far. Steve and I chased a school of fingerlings into a corner where they swam past us. That was a very strange feeling having hundreds of fish swim by my legs. I still feel like I am sitting on a boat that is rocking back and forth. Now I need a vacation from my kids. Anyone want to take them for me?
Steve jumping off a cliff that the older 3 kids did.
Raven finishing a 360 on the kneeboard. Had no clue she was even going to try it.

Sidnee on the knee board. Doesn't she look like she is having a bundle of fun?

Mason getting ready to start out on the knee board.

Jaxon is not strong enough to be towed by himself so Steve got to go with him.

The funniest thing about the whole trip was when we were emptying the toilets at the poopdock, a couple from our ward was on a house boat next to us doing the same thing. It was kind of wierd. Of all the places to see someone from home!
Fun! We want to go there sometime but I'd like to have all my kids a little older and know how to swim better before we go.
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