Some of my girlfriends, well okay, most of my girlfriends are trying to eat healthier and are working out. I am into the eating healthier, just not the working out so much. Give me a volleyball, basketball, softball or futsol (yes, Amy, I do like it) game any day. That is my kind of workout. I just have so much going on that I get tired just looking at my running shoes. I do wear them to play the above mentioned games. My girlfriends are getting together for lunch to support each other in their endeavor of this healthier eating habit, but they don't do sugar! I have started reading labels and everything that I like has sugar in it, even sour cream! I am all about eating more fruits and veggies plus having smaller portions, but I like my chocolate zucchini cookies and my corn tortillas. I have been invited to join them in this new challenge, but honestly I am having commitment issues. My biggest challenge is that I am a substitute teacher and never know when I might be working which would throw everybody off, plus I am going to eat a cookie if I want or a piece of pie. I don't over do the desserts, I never have. I just don't crave desserts like most people do. I am quite happy with a nice piece of ripe fruit. I don't crave chocolate and I have always eaten pretty healthy unless you stick a cream puff in front of me, then I crumble. So needless to say I have been enjoying lunch with my girlies but haven't hosted and I am starting to feel like a freeloader. Maybe I should give in and host a lunch. Taco soup anyone or are beans off limits too?
I still eat the sugar even though I'm doing the lunch occasionally. I could eat it everyday and usually do. I have commitment issues too. I really don't like being tied into anything daily like that... so whatever works for you and your life do that and don't worry about the rest. That's what I'm doing :)
I haven't seen "don't do sugar" in the word of wisdom or the government's "My Pyramid". Good luck finding foods they'll eat should you CHOOSE to host. Hosting would be just one meal so it wouldn't kill you:-) And they do have something good by getting rid of something that is addictive to them individually but don't feel pressure to do as they are doing when it's not an issue for you. Elder Zwick had a great quote in April 2008 conference that somewhat applies: "We are not to lower our standards to fit into our neighborhood or social group. Nor do we alter our values to suit the situation in the workplace or to be popular at school."
P.S. You are welcome to publish this, or not. It's really for you, not the world.
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