I am finding that as I get older that I have less courage to try new things. I use to have so much courage and now it seems like a little bit runs away every day. I will try new foods, new clothes, but not new adventures. I am all about my kids trying new things, but I can't seem to find where I left my courage to do it myself. I have been cleaning my house to see if I can find where I have misplaced it. I really began to miss it when I was watching Mason jump over a bike jump. He showed no fear. He knew that he wanted to jump his bike off the ramp and did it. Then he decided that the first jump was not big enough and asked his dad to put the bigger one out for him. The whole time I was wishing that I could find my courage. I used to want to jump from a plane with a parachute on, to hang glide off the point of the mountain, scuba dive, get my pilots license and a bunch of others. I just have one request. If I happen to have left my courage at your house would you let me know and I will come and pick it up.
Delana- It was fun getting together. We need to do it more often. We live sooo close and there is nothing better than family! I am really excited for the reunion!
I loved reading through your blog. It is fun to read and you do a great job of journaling. I just do pictures because I am not great at the journaling. Very entertaining! I am glad you left a post and I am going to add you to my links!
I found your courage in your bedroom downstairs. Come and get it. mom
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