Monday, July 21, 2008
Posted by DeLana at 11:36 AM 3 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
To ....Facebook or not?
I have been sent multiple invites to join face book, but never have because I didn't know much about it. Steve is on it and showed me what it was all about so I thought that I would give it a try. It has put me back in touch with people that I haven't talked to or seen since I moved to Utah almost 13 years ago. It is almost as fun and addictive as blogging. It has been nice to catch up on old friends and to see their families. I must admit that there are some things that I found out that I didn't want to know. Some of my friends seem to not have aged at all (I hate you all) and others that have added wrinkles and inches like I have (glad that I'm not the only one), then there is the rest who I had a hard time recognizing. It is exciting to renew old friendships. I must admit that I haven't had as many friends since I was a young adult as I do now in my current neighborhood. I feel sad for those who have few friends and hope that I can be a better friend to those who consider me their friend.
Posted by DeLana at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Did you know that......
Posted by DeLana at 10:43 PM 2 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
What do you see?
Posted by DeLana at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The place I grew up....
Sidnee is off on a grand adventure in my home town. There are many things that I loved about growing up there. I am hoping that she will get to experience some of those things. Here are a few things that I know she will see while she is there.

The logging trucks tend to own the road. You really don't want to come around a corner and run into one of these. My dad did and totalled my absolute favorite vehicle that I drove growing up. A red ford 4 door pick up. I had tons of fun in that going digging.

It is hay season up there and she will get to help her "Papa"(my dad)drive the tractor and learn what haying is all about. I can't tell you how many times I fell asleep while plowing a field. I will say that I had a lot of fun on the haystacks playing king of the castle. I could usually beat my brother, right Brett? Oh well, he was better on the basketball court, which is where you could find us when we weren't busy on the farm.

Main street in the "Hoof". Yes there is actually a 7-11 in my home town. They even have a KFC so they are really hip. Both of those didn't exist when I lived there. My brother and I never did cruise Main as there was always stuff to do at home or at the high school gym.

The many forests around my parents house where our horses and pigs would frequently play hide and seek with us.
The Northern Lights are beautiful and one of the things I miss the most about being down here. They are beautiful and the most colorful between now and September. It is amazing to watch them. There is no denying the existence of a God when you watch them. They really do take your breath away. So Mom, take Sidnee to Cheslatta Falls, tubing down the Nechako River, put a life jacket on her before you let her jump off the Nechako Bridge, because she will jump if given half a chance. Don't forget to take her up Sinkut Mountain to see the beautiful view, and Deni, show her how to saddle a horse so that she can go riding whenever she wants and feel the wind on her face and in her hair and take her skinny dipping. A ride or two on the four wheeler up to Crystal Lake if there is time and maybe a pull or two behind the boat on some skis. Oh, don't forget to take her for some fries & gravy, she'll like those.
I don't want to live there, but I sure am grateful for some fond memories of Vanderhoof and would love for my children to experience some of my favorites. Thanks Jill for being the taxi for Sidnee. I really appreciate it. Hey Sid, bring me back some ketchup chips and Laura Secord mint chocolate, and maybe a bar or two of MacIntosh Toffee.
P.S. Don't forget to take some pictures!
Posted by DeLana at 6:18 PM 1 comments
Yesterday was haircut day as our boys looked like nobody cared about them. They hate getting their hair cut. Mason is not as bad and he looks the shaggiest. Here are their before and after.

I didn't realize how much the boys look alike until their haircuts were the same. I really do like Jaxon with longer hair, but it is summer and it will grow back. He, however, hates it. He screams when I show him his haircut. He says that he wants it back. I tried to tell him that it will grow back, but he doesn't believe me.
Posted by DeLana at 2:45 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
My little thorny rose!
Posted by DeLana at 4:10 PM 2 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
Jaxon on the 4th!
Posted by DeLana at 5:37 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
I'm having a blast Mom!
The Hull made him one of the family and he has fit right in even though he looks a little different. Can you pick him out of the crowd?

I love this picture of the boys, whom Tami said have been so busy that it was hard to get them to hold still.

They went to an annual chicken chase on the 4th. I thought Mason would have been afraid as he is my more timid child.

"Look what I caught Mom. Can I bring him home? His name is Fireball and I love him so much"!
This is what no looks like. I knew that this was his face

Posted by DeLana at 8:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

There weren't quite as many pieces as Steve's. I once again pulled out the scissors, tape and glue and began to put it together. Mason and Luke helped me this time so it didn't take as long as Steve's. I was disappointed to find out that I have to put air in the tires. You think that they could have at least thrown in a can of compressed air for me!

Here is the final product. If you look closely you can see a little bit of the tape that I used near the back wheel hub. I didn't disguise it as well this time. If you want a cruiser yourself, check out this link.
Posted by DeLana at 10:14 AM 5 comments