Today was a good day, despite the cold weather. It has been one of those days were I reflect on the things that I have received. Sidnee was baptized yesterday. We are fortunate to have much family and many good friends around us who came to help us celebrate the occasion with her. I can hardly believe how fast she and my other children are growing up. Somedays I do feel like they are making me lose my mind, but what parent doesn't feel that way occasionally? It is strange to me to think that Steve and I have been married for almost 12 1/2 years. We have a beautiful home in a great neighborhood with great neighbors and many friends. Steve has a good job, our vehicles run, we are all healthy and sassy! We love our ward, our town and our hobbies. We have food in our fridge, freezer and food storage. We have clothes to keep us warm and a furnace that works to heat our home. I am really enjoying my warm slippers right now. I have Internet and phone to help me keep in touch with those who don't live close. I live in country where I am free to worship my God and vote for whom ever I please. My children are able to go to school and receive a good education. There is gas in my van so I can go wherever I want at least until I have to buy more gas. I get to play volleyball, basketball and softball with women in my ward. I had a bounteous tomato harvest. There is just so much that I have to be grateful for. What more could a person want besides a Chrysler 300? Seriously though, it really humbles me to think about all that I have. I may not be rich in the eyes of the world, but in my eyes, I am rich beyond my wildest dreams.
Amen! Its amazing what you find you have when you stop and think about all the great things you have in life. Makes it hard to feel sorry for yourself. :) Congrats on Sidnee's baptsim. Jakob got a paper for a meeting with those turning 8... I was in shock that I'm there...
It is so great to remember all the ways we are so truly blessed!! You are a great friend and a great example for me!!
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