Saturday, December 5, 2009
Falling down or apart?
Posted by DeLana at 9:29 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Never, never, never land!

Our version of heaven. The reason for the title, we NEVER heard anyone say MOMMY!, NEVER had to tell anyone to be quiet, and NEVER had to do anything that we didn't want to except pack up and leave. We really appreciated the husbands who made this nice little get away possible. Next time we will take them with us so that they can enjoy NEVER, NEVER, NEVER land too!
Posted by DeLana at 11:42 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 21, 2009
Fruits of my labors!
Posted by DeLana at 8:33 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I am Freddy Freeloader!

Some of my girlfriends, well okay, most of my girlfriends are trying to eat healthier and are working out. I am into the eating healthier, just not the working out so much. Give me a volleyball, basketball, softball or futsol (yes, Amy, I do like it) game any day. That is my kind of workout. I just have so much going on that I get tired just looking at my running shoes. I do wear them to play the above mentioned games. My girlfriends are getting together for lunch to support each other in their endeavor of this healthier eating habit, but they don't do sugar! I have started reading labels and everything that I like has sugar in it, even sour cream! I am all about eating more fruits and veggies plus having smaller portions, but I like my chocolate zucchini cookies and my corn tortillas. I have been invited to join them in this new challenge, but honestly I am having commitment issues. My biggest challenge is that I am a substitute teacher and never know when I might be working which would throw everybody off, plus I am going to eat a cookie if I want or a piece of pie. I don't over do the desserts, I never have. I just don't crave desserts like most people do. I am quite happy with a nice piece of ripe fruit. I don't crave chocolate and I have always eaten pretty healthy unless you stick a cream puff in front of me, then I crumble. So needless to say I have been enjoying lunch with my girlies but haven't hosted and I am starting to feel like a freeloader. Maybe I should give in and host a lunch. Taco soup anyone or are beans off limits too?
Posted by DeLana at 12:26 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
Garett's married!
My little brother, Garett Moore got married this past Saturday. After what he thinks was years of searching, he finally found the girl of his dreams. We left Thursday to head to his wedding in Spokane, WA. We spent about 24 hours in Boise with our friends, the Hulls before heading on to Moses Lake on Friday. We took family photos on Friday since we were all there. Each family wore a color so you could tell who belonged to whom. It took a bit since there were 15 grandkids to get to smile at one time. I think that the pictures turned out really good. It has been 4 1/2 years since we took the last family photo and we have added 5 grandchildren and 2 in-laws since then. Here is our family photo. Poor little Mason has some virus and had sores in and out of his mouth. He was in so much pain as the picture shows. The only thing that didn't hurt to eat was icecream.
The originals
Us with our spouses
The ones that Nana and Papa really want to see
The next generation of the Moore Family
The only picture that I have of the bride and groom as I forgot my camera when we went to the temple. Bo gave Steve a pair of hand cuffs which he quite expertly attached to the newly weds much to their shock.
Posted by DeLana at 7:54 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Vacation time!
Posted by DeLana at 10:02 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Summer Time
We recently discovered a lake close by with some friends. The kids have so much fun and I don't have to deal with fighting or tattling plus I get to swim so it is a win win situation. We have gone 5 times in the last 2 weeks. It is a great motivator for getting things done at home. We took Steve on Monday and he enjoyed himself too. The sandy beach is great for kids afraid of the water and the docks are great for the kids that love to jump off, plus they don't have to be the little ones for a while.
The boys on a mission.
What are they up too?
It isn't so easy trying to make a river. Good lesson on water absorption!
The girls playing off one of the docks!
More fun on the playground that is about 10 yards from the water. The poles are made of metal that doesn't get hot. It is really cool.
Posted by DeLana at 3:13 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I'm a bad parent!
Posted by DeLana at 12:41 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Sidnee's big adventure

Sidnee waiting to be called back to pre-op while complaining that she was dying of starvation!

This is her surgery outfit. The surgical center gives these shirts to their adolescent patients. It made Sidnee feel special.

The culprit in hand!

Seeing these puppies was the other thing that Sidnee requested of the doctor. These are her tonsils and are about the size of chicken hearts. The only complication that Sidnee encountered was that she threw up twice after surgery so they had to keep her a little bit longer. What should have been a 3 hour venture ended up being a 5 1/2 hour one. Now she has 5 people to wait on her as she is supposed to stay in bed for at least 5 days and no real activity for 2 weeks. If you want to come see her and make her feel better, bring her some pudding or jello, but nothing red or acidic please. I hope that this solves the problem and that she won't miss 23 days of school next year because she feels sick.
Posted by DeLana at 5:52 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Get Away!

The Park was gorgeous after the rain. I love being in the mountains and the natural beauty. It always seems to revitalize my soul.
Posted by DeLana at 5:32 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
After being badgered by my friends for the last couple of months to go to bootcamp with them, I finally had nothing going on and could actually go. Of course I was also motivated by the snugness of my clothes, but we won't talk about that! You have to understand that working out has never been my thing. I love to play sports and go running or biking on my cruiser with my kids, but I have always detested working out or lifting weights. It is probably because I feel out of my element and think that I look retarded trying to do something that I don't know how to do. After being assured that I wouldn't be the only one that looked like a dork, I decided that I would give it a try. It actually wasn't too bad.
After the warm up, my legs were shaking so bad and it seemed like they had turned to jell-o. I was relieved that I didn't have to be on my feet for most of the remainder of the workout. However, there was a thing that we did at the end for warm down that had my legs shaking because they were so week. I was a little sore when things were over, but not too bad. Yesterday I was pretty sore, but could pretty much get around, with the exception of going up and down stairs. Today is a totally different story.
Posted by DeLana at 9:04 AM 1 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009

The girls of course were girls and wanted the pretty flowers and butterfly.
Posted by DeLana at 6:53 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009

The kids and I went out to the garden the other day to pull the weeds and get ready to rototill it. As we were pulling weeds we found some bonuses in the roots. Anyone need something for dinner? I could save a few for you. They are supposedly very high in protein! Now I get to take care of these little critters so that the skunks, moles and raccoons stay away. Can you say GROSS?
Posted by DeLana at 12:24 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Waiting for Spring!

My allergies have flared and I now remember what sinus headaches feel like. Not fun. I wish that the kenelog shot for allergies lasted longer than 3 months. If they did, I would go get one tomorrow. My problem is that my allergies are the worst between June and September. Yet here we are in the beginning of April. I get to wait 2 months before I can go get a shot! Anyone know any good home remedies? My nose is raw after only 12 hours of wiping!
Posted by DeLana at 5:30 PM 3 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Team mates, friends, sisters!
Even though this picture does not do these beautiful women justice, I wanted to share to share my feelings about these wonderful ladies. I consider them not only my team mates, but my friends and sisters as well.
Dani Cousin: She has a wonderful laugh and has a great ability to see the positive in anyone. She is always building you up.
Melissa Hoffman: Always striving to be her best no matter how tired she is. She never gives less than 110%.
Sarah Cooper: Wonderful cook, shares my passion for cooking, will do whatever it takes to get the job done.
Kim Laursen: Always positive with a capital P. Never quits trying her best.
Jamie Hokanson: Doesn't let life get her down. Stands up for herself.
Jaclyn Wiest: Loves life, the gospel and has a passion for literature.
Tami Hansen: A peacemaker. Looks for the silver lining in things.
Jen Bay: Passionate about all that she does. Doesn't shrink from opposition.
Nikki Kelley: World class teacher. Never makes you feel stupid when she teaches you something new. Very compassionate.
Amy Pratt: (not pictured) Builder of people, always cheers for everyone, even if they are on the other team.
JoAnne McArthur: (not pictured) Great ability to do the right thing, doesn't yield to peer pressure, can always make me laugh.
Abby Isaacson: (not pictured) indomitable spirit, concerned about those around her, awesome cake decorator!
There is so much more that I could say about each of these wonderful women, but it would never sufficiently express what they have come to mean to me. It never fails that when I am having a bad day at least 2 or 3 of them call me, or drop by with out me even asking for help. I look forward to the time that I can spend with them as they always lighten my load in one way or another. They inspire me to be a better person, mother and wife. They truly are amazing women and I feel so grateful to have been able to cross paths with each of them. I want them to know that no matter how this whole thing with the sports teams pans out, they will always be more than my team mates. I feel honored to call them friends and sisters!
Posted by DeLana at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Surprise doesn't say enough!
Yesterday as a family we deep cleaned our entire house because we were going to have a date night with our friends and play games at our house. When we finished at 3 with the cleaning we hurried off to do some errands in Orem. We were about 15 minutes from home when my friend Tami Hansen called me and asked if we would stop by her house before we went home because our daughters had an altercation and we needed to talk it out. She knew that we were in a hurry to get home so I figured that it must have been serious and we needed to go help the girls work things out. I had so many things run through my mind as to what the girls possibly had fought about. I knew that Raven's day had started off bad and she has been having problems with a girl at school, so I was thinking that it might have something to do with that or just be hormones for two preteen girls. I walked up to the door while Steve got the boys out of the car. The door opened with a bunch of red clothed people yelling surprise. I was indeed surprised. I had no clue whatsoever that there was a party waiting for me. Steve with the help of my friends had arranged a surprise birthday party for me. He had teased a while back about having a funeral for me when I turned 40. Being the smart mouth that I am, I told him that I wanted a red party. I wanted red food, red drinks, red decorations and I even wanted my friends to wear red. The closer that my birthday got, the more sure I was that it wasn't going to happen. Steve asked me just last week what I wanted to do to celebrate. I told him that I wanted a party like I had already told him and that he could talk to my friends about it. I really thought that he was going to do nothing and I was going to put him in the dog house. After all I was only going to turn 40 once. The party was even better than I had imagined.
This poster made by Raven and Mikah was by the front door when I walked in. Steve said that it was my funeral poster.
Posted by DeLana at 9:40 AM 2 comments